Brain Tribe

BrainTribe Digi-Backpack for Kids

The life-changing neuro-emotional development series for young children.

The BrainTribe

Why do we call it a backpack if it’s not a genuine backpack?

We call it a backpack because your child will carry the knowledge gained with them and can apply it to every aspect of their life.

Telling stories is an age-old tradition

Since the beginning of time, stories have been used to share valuable knowledge between generations.

In our monthly Digi-Backpack, we use stories to teach children about their emotions and appropriate ways to deal with different emotions.

We use stories to introduce your child to the Brain Tribe, their experiences and valuable insights. They’ll enjoy it so much, they won’t realise they’re busy learning essential life skills!

Meet the Brain Tribe

Buddy and his four friends will teach your child to understand themselves better. The stories about their adventures will help your child make better decisions.


Buddy’s full name is BrainBuddy. Buddy lives in that part of our brain that thinks before we act.

Although your child doesn’t know Buddy yet, it will soon become clear that he is your child’s best friend.

As your child becomes more familiar with Buddy, he can help them make intelligent decisions. But that’s not all. Buddy will help them choose their own words, actions, and behaviour in any situation.

Walter, the Watchdog

Walter lives in that part of our brain where we feel emotions.

We call him a watchdog because he protects us. When your child is in danger, Walter is the one who ensures their safety through quick action.

Sometimes, Walter tries to protect us even though there is no real danger, making it difficult to differentiate between actual risk and mere cause for concern. Your child’s safety may depend on distinguishing between the two.

Pete, the Parrot

Our world would have been messed up if it hadn’t been for Pete. Pete is the one who makes sure that we remember everything. His job is to retrieve the correct information stored in the large storage room of your child’s brain at the right time.

He cements new knowledge into our memories and reminds us of past experiences.

Unfortunately, Pete sometimes gets too excited and collects lots of unnecessary information. Then your child gets overwhelmed while trying to process it all. Higher emotional intelligence ensures that this does not happen.

Bob, the Baboon

Then there is Bob. Bob is a true asset because of his incredible imagination, especially when working with Bubby. He is the one who comes up with innovative solutions to problems.

Sadly, Bob also spends a lot of time worrying about everything that could go wrong. He does it even when he can’t do anything about it.

When your child learns to understand Bob, they will look forward to taking on tasks and solving complex problems. Your child will also learn not to waste time on unnecessary worries.

Old Cow

Old Cow and Buddy often work together. Then she reminds us of the suitable lessons we learned from past experiences.

Sometimes Pete drags Old Cow against her will to a place she doesn’t want to be. Then Old Cow lies on her back while she broods over the past experiences she finds there, seemingly in a daze, lost in her thoughts.

Often it gets so bad that Walter becomes nervous and starts barking incessantly. All that incessant barking causes your child to struggle with concentration. It’s like trying to study in a library filled with the sound of people talking loudly.

People with low emotional intelligence do not learn from their mistakes and experiences. We will teach your child to identify and use the good from every experience.

More than stories

Each Digi-Backpack contains educational stories, games and other engaging projects. Your child will love exploring all the different activities inside!

The games will give your family an opportunity to spend more time together while creating beautiful memories.

What difference will BrainTribe make in your child's life?

The knowledge gained through BrainTribe enables your child to

  1. discover the limitless power of their mind,
  2. rise above fears and circumstances,
  3. be true to themselves, and
  4. live their very best life through the positive transformation they will experience.

Inspirational Qoutes

Give your child a head start in life by joining us today.

Our proven methods will ensure they’ll be ahead of the curve and ready to take on anything that comes their way.

Don’t wait – contact us today!